Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Every year Sweet Mama and I go to visit family at my uncle's farm in South Georgia. This year is no different. There will be a lot of standing around and talking, eating and later gathering around the burn barrel and more talking!
Friday, November 11, 2011
I almost missed Fall!
I have been a little under the weather for the last few weeks. I had to have a root canal 2 weeks ago and had a reaction to the antibiotics. Not a good week. And I am working one day a week AND had to babysit Skippy overnight a couple of nights this week. whew...did I mention my Esty shop has gotten busy too?! I have almost forgotten to enjoy the season.
Because of my tooth/med problem I had to skip Halloween this year...my favorite holiday. A very sad day. We only had one decoration out and it was inside. Normally we deck out the house and yard like this!
But after the loss of my cousin in September and then my tooth... this did not happen. I laid in the bed with the lights off with the blinds closed. I felt like I was hiding from Halloween.
When I finally started feeling better I looked out the screened porch and was surprised! My mum from last year was blooming!! Sweet Mama stuck it in a planter last Fall and I guess it liked it and flourished!
I know it is not the prettiest, but it made it through the year!! And you know, I got to thinking, if you persevere you can make it through anything. You might be a little bedraggled but you still look pretty!
After it stops blooming I think I am going to cut it back and see how it does. Who knows, maybe it will come back next year!! I even made an apron that reminded me of it. What do you think? I mixed it with a coordinating fabric that has circles all over it. You can see more here.
I got the fabric at my new part time job at Hancock Fabrics. Yes, I broke down and got a j-o-b. But taxes on the condo are due and I need a little more cash flow. I only work one night a week but I get a discount on things for the shop. I think it is a win/win situation for everyone!
So now it's back to work in the shop. I am making new aprons and adding everyday, not to mention filling orders. Look for more Plus Size aprons and maybe a new potholder style or two!
I see inspiration everywhere, don't you?!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Are You Ready?!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Back To Work

Check out this sign! We do not have signs like this!! Also notice the sky...it was rainy and/or cloudy almost the whole time we were there.
We met Ella aka Cinderella (but she hates that name!). This is Bruiser's new "sister". They have become best friends!! Even sharing a lap!
They were so funny! It was a big deal to get in your lap underneath the blanket!
Check out the finger pointing to Ella!!

We had such a great time!! And enjoyed our "Fall" weather! Some were sad to see us go!!
Don't worry!! We will be back soon...but only when it warms up!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I Think I am Addicted...
I can't believe I am having so much fun!! This old loom has been revived with new ideas. I have been making new combos and patterns every afternoon. It is too hot in the kitchen where my sewing table and shop this are. The afternoon sun beats in and heats it up very fast. It has been a hot summer with temps in the upper 90 to 100s. So after lunch I retreat to the living room and do some weaving or make casserole carriers. Here are the latest!!
Aren't they cute?!! I love the Christmas and Halloween ones!
Doesn't the black in the fringe look like spider legs?
This is the last one made. Thinking ahead to Cherry Blossom time!! There are so many colors and combination that the possibilities are endless! Can't wait to see what I come up with this afternoon!
Want one? Check out the shop here!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A Tasty Treat
Monday, August 8, 2011
What reminds you of 7th grade?
These do!! I used to make a gazillion of these back in the day! We had to have the loom for Mrs. Puckett 7th grade Home Ec class. The boys in Shop made them and the girls bought them for their class. I wish I could remember who made mine...I hope he continued woodworking because mine has held up great!!
I had a friend ask me if I could make some for her mom. After I saw what she wanted I KNEW that I could...if I could just find the loom. You know... I do keep everything!
My things have been packed up in the back storage house or in the attic or in the garage for 6 years now. The good news was... I knew I was coming up here for awhile so I labeled and listed all contents of each box. I know..sounds a little obsessive but over the years I have been able to find most of what I have been searching for!
So I got to work moving boxes out of the little house in the backyard and sorting through them (Good thing there was a church attic sale this last weekend)! Finally in box #18 I found it!! It has been SOOO much fun making these and remembering good times of "back in the day"! I even have a set now in the shop here
Best $5 I ever spent!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Look what's new!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sizzling Summer BBQ SALE!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Saying goodbye...

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sort of a New Apron!
This is a pic of the sold apron...he also ordered a pink one too!
I know, I know...the right pocket is too high! I ripped it off and resewed it! I am thinking I need to make the ruffle a bit longer...maybe. What would you do??
I am going to make one for the shop... Keep watching!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Funny plus a giggle!
Funny Rat (aka Bunny Rabbit) showed up the other night...got everyone excited!! If you look right above the black chair just above the piddly rose bush (yes that rose bush is pitiful..it gets no sun now that the Cherry tree has grown and the porch is in the way) But look...there is Funny! She is starring at us and we are starring at her! She showed up the other night with...a baby!!
Isn't Giggle cute?!! He was very fast..running circles around her. She just kept eating and scratching her fleas. She finally came up to the porch to say hello! Beau was very interested, but Bella, not so much. You remember a week or so ago she showed up, in the same place, and sat there all afternoon. Beau was in the house taking his nap and missed it! This time he could not take his eyes off her!!
Sorry the pic is a little blurry! I didn't want to scare anyone with a flash! They stayed for a bit with Giggle slipping through the fence and on to other adventures. Funny snacked and visited a bit and then saw the dog in the yard behind us and disappeared in a flash!! It has been a couple of days and I haven't seen them. But they come around this time in the evening so I best get back on the porch and start looking. I will have to keep my eyes open thought to see Giggle!!
He is just so cute!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What I Have Been Up To...
I have been very busy in the shop for the last few weeks! I have had a lot of custom orders. It has been fun but I wanted to add some new items to the shop. So I have gotten busy and here are the newest Duets! Originally they were just going to be BBQ aprons. They were stacked on the sewing table, one on top of another, when it hit me!! A perfect pairing don't cha think?!! Let me know which one is your favorite!
I have more to come..Plus Size, Duets, Ruffles and Christmas. So keep your eye on the shop!